Would a kind conifer expert please tell me what this guy is please. He is about to be released from his pot (after 7 years) in to the ground of my new garden and I don't want to be doing battle with a 150' monster in a few years time! What is the growth rate of this plant and would it be better just to bury him in the pot? It's about 5' tall now. Thank you.
Yes, in general it is true. But here comes good news: Cedrus Deodara 'Aurea' is a small, rather slow growing tree. Here is data from three websites: Golden Deodar Cedar - Monrovia - Golden Deodar Cedar: Slow to moderate grower Average Landscape Size: 25 to 35 ft. tall, 15 ft. wide Learn2Grow: Height 15'-25' / 4.6m - 7.6m Width 8'-12' / 2.4m - 3.7m https://www.rhs.org.uk/Plants/93375/Cedrus-deodara-Aurea/Details?returnurl=/plants/search-results?form-mode=false&query=cedrus&aliaspath=%2fplants%2fsearch-results: Ultimate height 4-8 metres Ultimate spread 2.5-4 metres Time to ultimate height 20-50 years I would not keep it in the pot, but after 7 years in it it is probably very rootbound. If so, it could be a challenge to untwine the roots. I would wait till fall to plant it, it could be too hard for the tree if the whole operation was done so late in spring.
Many thanks Sundrop I was actually going to put it in an even bigger pot to plant out. After you had identified it for me, I checked the prices in the garden centres and a large one like mine costs £250! As I have moved 57 times and lost a small fortune planting Japanese Maples in the ground I am getting a bit canny in my old age :) I did buy it as a specimen tree years ago but it got shunted around, so now (as this is supposed to be my Dun Roaming house!) I am going to display it as a focal point in my (soon to be) Japanese garden. As the landscaping is starting this week I am afraid Nature will have to bend slightly to my will and not the other way around. I'll let you know how I get on! Again many thanks Alexis