I know the pictures are not the best but as many plants as possible would be lovely 01 The conifers 02 As many as possible (flowering ones and the purple in the foreground) 03 The ones on the island 04 The spikey palm tree 05 As many as possible 06 The yellow, the white, the pink and what kind of agave? 07 The red (salvia coccinea?) and the ones in the foreground 08 What kind of flower? 09 The flowering ones 10 Some kind of fabaceae ? Anyone knows which?
The purple leaved vine in Pic 02 is Setcreasea pallida or it may have recently changed to Tradescantia pallida. The bright red flowers in pics 05 and 07 are Salvia splendens. Others I'd only be guessing.
Lots of fairly common garden flowers. Pic 2 has mostly dahlia, #3 looks like agave on the island, #7 purple flower larkspur, I think. The pink and white may be petunias. I see a few Dianthus or sweet Williams, white malva or similar, orange marigold I think (too far away in image).
Thanks Eric La Fountaine. Maybe I have to post close ups on the flowers. Would be nice to know what kind of agave, the one in the middle, and the ones around - and also the palm tree with a spikey stem
That "palm" looks like a Pachypodium spp. Not a true palm, and the leaves would give that away. It's the regularly spaced, double spined thorns on the trunk that make me think of Pachypodium lamerei. The agave will be hard to ID, even with closer pictures in better focus. There are several hundred different ones. I would bet that the one with the flower spike coming up is the parent plant with the smaller ones stolon offsets.
Thanks! Nice with the Pachypodium! I thought maybe Agave americana 'Variegata' but as you say, probably it's impossible to say
That would help enormously for giving you accurate id's. 10. I believe is Delonix regia. delonix regia - Google Search Delonix regia. - Google Search
Silver surfer, will do that when I get back home. Delonix regia sounds very familiar and I think you are right. Thanks!
The conifers in #1 are a cypress of some sort; needs close-up pics of the foliage (and preferably cones, if present) for ID.
Some close-ups (the quality is not good i know, but all suggestions are more than welcome!!) Number four - the hedge and the flowers behind it Number five - what tree? Number six - the shrub Number seven - the shrub
calluone.....too many plants in one thread! It can get messy and confusing. Suggest in future you start a new thread for 3 plants at a time. Once answered post next batch. You are going to get far more accurate answers if you add clear close ups showing the detail of the flowers/leaves etc. 2nd batch pic. 3. Looks like Calendula officinalis. calendula officinalis - Google Search 2nd batch pics. 4. Hedge might be Duranta erecta. Flowers behind it are Antirrhinum majus. antirrhinum majus - Google Search duranta erecta - Google Search 2nd batch .5. Tree...???? Need far better pics. Under it red flowers are Salvia splendens. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/Salvia_splendens1.jpg 2nd batch pic. 6. Bottom of pic. Tropaeolum majus. tropaeolum majus - Google Search 2nd batch pics...7. Mussaenda sp. mussaenda - Google Search
Silver surfer, I will keep that in mind for future posts and thanks for identifiying some of the plants! :)