Hello list, Could anyone identify the attached plants? The first one is a seedling in the black container but the leaf arrangement is rather new for me. It is a two days old seedling. The second one was purchased as a Dahlia tuber by an acquaintance but it is of course something different. Does not look like Amaryllis either. Thanks Farooq
#1 is a pine seedling, one of the species with large seeds. Possibly Pinus pinea, possibly P. cembra or one of its relatives. Can you get a close-up pic of the seed shell that has dropped off the seedling? (just below right of it in the photo above). Where was the seed from?
Thanks Micheal for identifying the pine seedling. I don't have much info because the question came from an acquantaince. However, with Clivia (picture no 2): The leaves of the posted picture are leathery, whereas Clivia leaves are soft and this plant is growing around ~ 30 oC. Clivia would wilt under these conditions. May be the tubers can give us a clue of what they are.