Hello, It's a 4 feet tall scrub, has drop shaped leaves, approx. 15 on each branch, bean shaped seed pods (1.5 inch) are stinky and sticky inside (dark brown/black). It's not Gingko... Would someone give me a direction? Cassia allata? Monkey pod tree? I would appreciate a link to a webiste that has more information on this scrub. Thanks!
Where do you live? This can go a long way towards narrowing down the options. This 'scrub'............is it tree form (single trunk emerging from the ground) or is it shrub form (multiple stems emerging)? What is the approximate width and length of these leaves? The more specific that you can be the better. T. Shane Freeman
I found the seed and the plant in a park in Hollannd (same climate as UBC), but it might be a tropical plant. The plant has a single trunk emerging from the ground (0.7" diameter), no multiple stems. 4-5 feet tall. Width x length of leaves: 1.2" x 2" drop shaped, compound leaves. Seed pod is bean shaped: 1 - 1.2" long and 0.25" in diameter. Oval. After drying: the bean became dark brown. No hairs on skin. Seeds are stinky (can't define smell), aprrox. 12 in row, are hard to get out. It seems they are glued together or something.