I'm trying to finish up my ecology project and im having a hard time identifying a few plants. If you need better pics or anything else, just let me know and ill do the best i can. Thanks in advance. Ali
Hi Ali, Generally the people here won't do other people's homework for them ;) Though you may be able to get some HINTS from people (eg. the second from the bottom is a common houseplant in many parts). M.
Thats totally understandable. So if others can help point me in the right direction (as in links to some good sites) i would really apppreciate it. Ali
The name of the plant in pictures 1 and 2 starts with Bo...... It's either an indoor or indoor/outdoor plant in this part of the world. It is native to Brazil, but has escaped cultivation in places like Maui, where it is quite rampant in spots.
I think these five plants are fairly common, so if you look through a few garden/landscape books for your area you should find them. Good luck!
you're welcome, did you figure out what it is? If so, you might like to post the name for the benefit of others.
You could probably also wander around a local garden centre and find these plants for sale, and there, they would be labelled.
Thanks a ton, i'll be back later on tonight when i return from the library. Hopefully, i'll be able to identify them. Ali
Now that's just mean. Well not really, and im sure it would make a lot more sense if i knew the answer or even have a clue as to what your refering to. But atleast you helped me by giving me another reason to really figuring out what it is not only for identification but to solve your little riddle. Ali
Check out Matthew 21:19 Online here if you don't have a bible: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2021:19&version=31;
Everyone is avoiding plant #3 (pic #5). Note that all the flowers are closed in the daylight. I bet that is one of the sweetest smelling flowers in nature.
I would love to know what that is. It has a wonderful scent at night. My folks told me that back in their native country they call it "Queen of the Night" or it translates out to something like that. I also hope ill be able to save it because there is a shrub that came out of nowhere and is overgrowing it and pushing it out. Ali P.S. Thanks for all the help, i turned in my project yesterday and only had 2 species unidentified, one of which i was able to narrow it down to its family. Thanks again, and if your able to still help out identify these plants, i would appreciate it cause i would still like to know.