The scientific name eludes me... corprinus? I know its not a Cort, anyways. They are popping up under greenhouse filtered light out of sifted, organic dirt/soil. No trees, No grass, No rotting lumber... that I can see. This was an area claimed from the front yard/lawn 2 years previous. I live on a plateau in Abbotsford BC. Perfect for farming and has been farmed commercially for many years (thank gawd no pesticides). Details: Direct sun(filtered) Plenty of moisture(I watered my peppers) Dirt/Loam/Clay soil base No trees Sifted disturbed soil No bulb on bottom Long stem with fragile connection to cap Fibrous stem, stringy, hollow Grows in clusters No spore print... Im lazy Cap did not seem to discharge staining when crushed between fingers, soil was dry at that time. No distinct odor, mild mushroomy. mild mushroom taste.
Hi Joel, Thanks for posting diagnostic photos and for the details! I think you are right: Inky Cap. But which one :-) Coprinellus, Coprinopsis, Copri... so many new names that used to all be under Coprinus. I'd suggest trying the PNW Key Council key to see if any of the characters you have listed cause one of the local species to pop out. cheers! frog