I have a unique plant that grows on the edge of my old driveway. It is very colorful every spring then becomes brown and has some seeds. It is about 4 to 6 inches high. Comes up in exactly the same spot every year and does not seem to grow anywhere else even if I spread seeds in the same area. The texture is similar to a mushroom or muskrat grass (don't know proper name) that also grows abundantly in the ditches of this area. Any questions that I can answer that will help identification are welcome. Thanks
It is a native Striped-Coralroot Orchid Corallorhiza striata. Likely Corallorhiza striata var. striata https://www.google.ca/search?q=corallorhiza+striata+var.+striata&biw=998&bih=607&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiImqeIp_7MAhUPQlIKHRoeA2YQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=xMXhEyPNqtKtyM: or similar.
This orchid is parasitic on particular species of fungi; so it is very difficult, if not impossible, to cultivate.
Awesome. Thank you people for identifying this plant for me. I was thinking it was mushroom like, that makes sense now I know it has been feeding on one. I am always curious about plants I find so would like to post more pics in the future.