I'm seeking help in identifying the three plants in the attached photos. #1 may be some sort of perrennial herb... #2 ditto for this one #3 this may be some type of clematis -- but it has not flowered yet this year. Many thanks, Jo
#1 looks like a plant my parents call Maggi plant, I believe it is known as Comfrey, great for flavouring soups and such.
correcting myself in the other post, the plant I had in mind is actually Lovage, Levisticum officinale rather than Comfrey which in fact is quite different. :)
I thought of lovage, too, which is what it is, of course. Got lovage confused with borage in my head, thus 'celeriac'.
Brilliant! Thank you. A couple of more, which perhaps are more challenging... 451 & 452 go together, as do 461 & 462 Thank you, Jo