First of all I want to thank you for sharing your knowledge. At least I know now what I am growing thanks to all off you. The following pictures are if I am right a Japanese Maple called 'Shaina'. The pictures are taken end of spring, the first one is the mother plant the others are my 2003 and my 2004 graftings. Am I right?
Shaina webwolf, it looks right. Shaina, like other witchs brooms, should have the center lobe of the leaf stubbed off. Shorter than the other lobes. It doesn't always occur on all the leaves but should be evident on a lot of them. Attaced are a couple of images of 'Shaina' that I produced. Notice the stubby center lobe on many of the leaves. It is green due to the shade that it was grown in. Do you have access to a product used in grafting citrus, called "BacSeal". From Bayer.