Everytime I come in contact with this one, I break into a rash. This tree/shrub is in Northern, VA. Keeps it's leaves all year. Photos are taken out of a 2nd story window. Any ideas on what it is?
This looks very much like Viburnum rhytidophyllum, see e. g. http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/showimage/91803/ and http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/potd/2006/03/viburnum_rhytidophyllum.php.
That's got to be it! I thought it might be some type of Viburnum, but I hadn't found one with the flowers at the ends of the branches like that. I read a little and it also says that it can easily cause skin irritation/allergic reaction. Thanks for the ID!
Agree it is Viburnum rhytidophyllum, though I've not come across it causing allergies before, you must be unlucky there. If it is bad for you, get someone in to remove it for you.
Unfortunately it's my neighbor's tree. I cut off a few branches that were scraping against our window (it has grown over his fence), and that's how I discovered the allergy. Raised itchy red dots everywhere that the plant touched. I brushed up against some fallen branches again the other day and the same result. So I just don't go near it. The birds love it though, and they perch on the branches right on the other side of the window. So we definitely get some enjoyment out of it. Thanks for all your help guys!
The sap of [IViburnum rhytidophyllum.[/I] has been reported to cause a contact hypersensitivity reaction - i.e. a contact allergy.