Hello This daisy like flower is one of the plants used for landscaping the complex next to us. Any help with an ID would be appreciated. Ken
A quick look shows multiple web sites giving the cultivar name 'Helhan' with Loraine Sunshine also being shown - with or without single quotes. If 'Helhan' is the correct cultivar name then Loraine Sunshine cannot be - I looked in the first place because nowadays the pleasant or exciting (even hyperbolic) terms applied to horticultural selections by commercial sources are often marketing devices such as trademarks or registered trademarks and not cultivar names - and the actual cultivar names will be intentionally utilitarian (and often unpronounceable) combinations like 'Helhan'.
Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra cultivar named in honor of its discoverer Loraine Mark, Heliopsis ‘Loraine Sunshine’ (PP#10,690) see http://patents.justia.com/patent/PP10690 http://www.google.com/patents/USPP10690 I am wondering, where is your replacement for the 'Lorine Sunshine' coming from? Since ‘Loraine Sunshine’ is the correct cultivar name the replacement ('Helhan') is incorrect and of obscure origin and should not be used. Could you, please, shed some light on this?
I looked on the web and there it was. Many times. I also saw it was listed as Loraine Sunshine / 'Helhan' by Hill/Narizny in The Plant Locator - Western Region (Black-Eyed Susans/Timber, Portland) which came out in 2004. Wouldn't surprise me if the explanation is that 'Helhan' was coined for overseas distribution and US sources such as MOBOT that use it don't realize the plant has different naming here - if it does. As usual many references put single quotes on most non-botanical plant names without any apparent awareness of the current prevalence of marketing techniques in this arena like trademarked and patented names.
A range of information available on the web about this, but to settle it, we need information that we don't have access to, and that is what this entity was first distributed and published as. See Article 25 of the International Code of Nomenclature of Cultivated Plants: The patent was filed in 1997, but this entity was selected in 1992. We need to see if it was ever published and sold under the name "Helhan" in those intervening years...(even if obscurely so).