Good morning all, I planted many seeds long time ago and forgot about them - I imagine that the first pic is a peach - what about the other one ?
Hello @aramy699. There are many expert and knowledgable people here on these forums so I have no doubt that if anyone can give you a definitive identification, they will. I may be sticking out my neck here but I think your seedlings are too young and your photos too fuzzy to expect anything but conditional identification at this point, if that. Your little plants look healthy and vigorous so perhaps wait a few months until they're more developed and then send clear photos - I wouldn't be surprised if an ID would be forthcoming then.
Kind of reminds me an almond sprout, but could be as well something else. It would be much easier to guess, if the list of used seeds was available.
Unfortunately, I planted many things long time ago and forgot about them, so I do not recall the name of seeds I planted
This sprout on the photo is supposed to be a peach, so I'd say - pretty similar. But if you wait some months, then more mature leaves may resolve the mystery.