My neighbor gave me a tree but I can't find its name. It has two trunks that have been sliced off at the top and one branch of folage is growing on each trunk. The leaves all green and are 16 to 24 inches long and 4 inches wide.
I'll be really impressed by the person who can answer this! Have you got a photo? It make identifing a lot easier thanks Carol Ja
No pic. I know this is a popular plant. I've seen them in the past. I even remember watching a show on how to handle if it gets too big. Wrap wet peat moss around trunk and put in a plastic bag. When it roots, cut off bottom and repot.
there are different types of corn plants... some have yellow and some are all green .. look at this link under Dracaena's . im sure you will find your plant .. is it probably the one named Janet Craig (Corn plant) .. Marn