I cannot seem to find the right identification for this plant. It would appear to be a cactus of some sort but the closest I can come to an ID is it might be a pedilanthus macrocarpus. However it is still a young plant and has not flowered so it's difficult to determine. It was a gift from a friend and it's a nice plant.
that's a rhipsalis. i've got the same thing - only much, much, much smaller!! bright light and don't water too often - let the soil dry out well. also, it should be in a very well-draining mix. cactus soil mixed with orchid medium would be good.
Thank you both....I'll investigate further.....the plant is perhaps 6-8 months old...maybe a bit more...I know it was started from a cutting....and as you suggested Joclyn I have it in a bright but not direct sun area and only water it every few weeks...it seems to be thriving.
Mine grows out side and they grow quiet big. Thanks for asking for it's name. Mine is part of a xeriscaping area. (succulents cacti etc) Liz