In order not to clutter up the forum overmuch, attached are today's HUH? moments. #1 is the host tree for some orchids. I thought it was dead, but I've been watering it and now it's got flowers. No leaves, though. #2 I originally suspected of being a mango, but now that it's flowered I'm not sure, and I'm leaning more towards cloves or some other Myrticea spp. The leaves have no smell when crushed. #3 I have no idea at all; it's about 6" tall. #4 I suspect strongly of being a mango, and would like confirmation. The leaves produce a pine/turpentine odour when I crush them. #5 Is this a type of pepper or another spice? Any info y'all could give me would be spiffy.
And here are the other 5. #6 may also be pepper? It's a huge shrub. #7 is a succulent, but beyond that I'm lost #8 is a succulent tree, maybe a spurge? I have 9, and they average 6-8' tall #9 came back from the dead and it's flowering; it's about 12' tall #10 I'm embarrassed. I used to think this was Monkey Puzzle, but I've encountered the real thing now, and I'm wondering what this little guy actually is.
First page: Erythrina Nerium Ixora ? Mirabilis Conifer at end Araucaria heterophylla, or perhaps A. columnaris. Have seen both grown as A. heterophylla in Hawaii, where it seems the majority are actually A. columnaris.
Thanks, Ron! The Erythrina sure is a weird one.... I've never seen them with leaves, only the flowers.
#1 resemble an Acanthaceae member like this... #2 Parkinsonia I believe. #3 Euphorbia tirucalli HTH Chris
A close up of the foliage would help with your last picture (# 10 in the series), but I wonder if it is Araucaria heterophylla, Norfolk Island Pine.