Full size tree, taller than house. Average shaped tree, branches started 6 feet from ground. Similar to a maple trees shape & top spread. Leaf shaped like a rose leaf, green, round, & serrated, 2 inch. Growing in forested yard, in Ontario, zone 4a (2010 zones.) Hard & softwood mixed forest area, although this yard was mostly hardwood. This house is in bush country so truly forested, complete with moose & deer. Had a complex sort of flower hanging down. Cream colored, 1 to 2 inches long, felt like paper, hollow, really reminded me of an ornate lantern. I think it was July but possibly August or late June. Sorry no pictures. I didn't have a camera with me. Home owners had no idea, was there when they purchased the property. No other similar tree in area. I have never seen this tree before. It was so unique & I would love to acquire one. Thank you for your thoughts & sorry about the possibly impossible request.
Look up Carpinus fruits and leaves and tell us if they look similar or how they are different. Also check Ostrya. It's really hard just from a description to imagine what you're seeing.
Another possibility is Golden Rain Tree - Koelreuteria paniculata or K. integrifolia. Photo of the Day - Golden Rain Tree Seed Pods - Lot-Lines
Omg, you rock, it is Ostrya. Thank you so much. Sorry I couldn't think of a way to describe that flower pod, other than complex and ornate.
I'm confused...what is Ostra? Inflated lantern pods are from Koelreuteria paniculata. Koelreuteria paniculata - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Silver surfer, I had suggested Ostrya, would think that's what was meant (now corrected). Furface, maybe reply with a link to what looks like the tree to you. I can barely distinguish Carpinus and Ostrya. What convinces you that it's the latter and not Carpinus? Here is a page for Carpinus japonica: Carpinus japonica - Plant Finder for Ostrya virginiana: Ostrya virginiana - Plant Finder This site does say that Ostrya will grow down to zone 3.
I remember it having a rounder leaf than your Carpinus link. That leaf seems too long & slender. Picture from your Virginiana link seems to match my memory of the leaf better.
Ps Your link for Virginiana says zones 3 to 9 so it seems to fit the 4a area I was in. Just north of Bancroft Ontario.