I'm trying to ID this palm tree. I believe it was planted about 2 years ago. It was blown over during high winds about a month ago. I propped it back up and thought I had it secure in the hopes it would re-establish itself. Unfortunately we had another heavy rain/windstorm a few days ago and it went over again. Can it be saved by getting it upright and secure? The way it broke at the dirt line leads me to believe the roots are okay, but the transition has been damaged, not sure if that will kill the plant or not. Appreciate any help.
Thanks. I had a neighbor with some knowledge(works at a nursery), confirm that id. Any chance it will survive if I keep it upright? Will it ever be able to regrow enough at the base to keep itself upright? It's about 15' tall with the heavy fronds that catch a lot of wind. Thanks again for the help.