Wow- my back yard is suddenly alive with mushrooms. I really know nothing about mushrooms except that some are very yummy and others are psychedelic or poisonous. I'd like to ID these, as I have kids, cats & dogs running around out there & I don't want anyone touching anything that will make them sick. The backyard formerly had a lot of trees that were cut down before we bought the place & so there are stumps every where with shade & moss even in the summer - I guess it's a good mushroom growing environment. There is only one of the brown ones now, but there have been a lot of them before. The kind without the cap I just noticed as I was taking pics of the others. The orange ones are very plentiful.
The first two photo refers to an Agaricus sp. the black/white one is a Xylaria hypoxylon, not edible. the third, in group, is an Hypholoma sp. probably H.fasciculare, toxic.
Thank you! So it's ok to leave the Agaricus (looks like it might even be edible, although I would not try) & Xylaria, but should I try to get rid of the Hypholoma? When I looked it up, the description said it's very bitter, so do you think that would prevent the dog from eating it? I am not too excited about trying to eradicate it - as you can see, it's growing around a stump that's about 14 inches in diameter & I think I'd have to dig that up...
You can't assume a dog has the same bitter taste receptors as a human. Classic example in point - cats have no sweet taste receptors.