I am having difficulty identifying some of my plants. Any help you could offer would be much appreciated. They are all very healthy but care suggestions are also welcome. Thank you.
Re: ID of the Indoor Kind II: Who am I and What do I Need to Succeed? #1 is a Devils Ivy Pothos .. #2 is a Variegated Schefflera #3 is a Warneckei Lemon Lime Dracaena #4 is a Zebrina Wandering Jew the only one you might have a bit of a problem with is the Schefflera they are just a touchy plant dont overwater it.. but the rest are pretty easy to care for ... the wandering jew really likes bright light .. the dracaena does also and dont over wter it .. the Devils Ivy loves bright ligh and let dry out just a lil before watering it .. Marn
Hi, the first one is Pothos, the 2nd schefflera, the third a dracaena marginata of some kind, and the 4th is so 'close-up' on clicking that I can't see it at all, but from the t-nail, it looks like a Wandering Jew (forget the Latin).. try Rheo discolor and see if that matches. They all like to be watered only when they need it, i.e. not to a schedule, but when a good top layer at least of the soil is dry and that's presuming they're potted in good fast draining stuff with as little peat as possible in the mix, otherwise the bottom half stays sodden and rots the roots.
Rima's correct on Pothos and Schefflera. That variegated Schefflera is looking quite nice! I find them hard to grow...I get leaf drop. Fourth one is Tradescantia zebrina, Wandering Jew. Now that third one...isn't Dracaena marginata. But it could be another Dracaena. Or a Cordyline. The distance between leaves on the stem has me thrown. I'm used to Dracaenas being a little more "tightly packed".
to make it more atractive, cut back your schefflera, to make it more bushier, only about a foot or so... then w/ the piece you cut off.. stick it into a glass of water until it sprouts roots.. and then you have a 2nd plant!!!
Care suggestions? Your plants look fantastic! Why don't you tell us how you are growing them! Please do!!
ummm you guys i had these all right ... i know these plants good as they are a common houseplant .. the Divils Ivy is a Pothos .. the Devils Ivy has the yellow splatters in it .. the Marble Queen has the white in it .. that Drac is the lemon lime one and that also is just the typical wondering jew.. and the Scheff is a very picky plant .. hates to be moved and touched or even looked at ..lol.. Marn