Hello, I have a lichen that has been affirmed to be a Physcia species but I don't know which type in particular. The lichen is of a blue-gray color, foliose, and I found it in Northwest Texas. I have added some photos here. Any help would be great, or suggestions to services for identifying lichens as well! Thanks!
I have not much experience with lichens, but my guess is the key items may contains some minor details, some visible in microscope only, not by photograph, and some may even require a chemical test. You can try to use a photo gallery at least to srink the list of possibilities and then resove them with the key. http://www.stridvall.se/lichens/gallery/Physcia?page=1 http://lichens.digitalmycology.com/macrolichens/Physcia.html http://lichenportal.org/portal/taxa/index.php?taxauthid=1&taxon=52097&cl=211#tab2418 You can also try to duplicate this question in the Lichens forums on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/groups/lichen/ http://www.flickr.com/groups/mossandlichen/
Thanks Andrey! I have reposted this to the suggested groups on Flickr; I had not thought of it before! I will look into the lichen photo sites for further reference, as well. In general, any suggestions anyone has for lichen chemical identifying facilities/sites would be helpful. Thank you! huertar