A neighbour was given this plant several years ago but she doesn't have any information about it except that the deer ignore it. We have Zone 8 pockets here so this may be something that would be frost tender elsewhere.
Please can you add a clear close up pic of the flowers to this thread. A long shot is Grevillea rosemarinifolia...but could be miles out. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=g...ChMIgoSql92TxgIVQm0UCh2qgQDX&biw=1536&bih=728 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grevillea_rosmarinifolia
I think you've nailed it! I had looked at Grevillea before but didn't think the flower matched at all. Now my neighbour has sent a close-up photo of the flower and there's no doubt. Thank you very much!