This plant was photographed yesterday in the wildflower meadow of St Peter's Church in Duncan. Native companion plants were blue camas, shooting star, and spring gold (plus dovefoot geranium & grape hyacinth). Plants were 15" to 18" high with a single, leafless, sticky, hairy main stem which branches higher up - Photo 1 Photo 2 shows circle of small dried leaves at the base of each stem. Due to wind and haste Photo 3 (blurry) is the best I have of the flower cluster. I believe it is a saxifrage, possibly S. (Micranthes) integrifolia, but that is generally described as shorter, with tighter flower clusters and green basal leaves at flowering time.
Camas here was just starting, but the Dodecatheon were in full glory. White Erythroniums at this site were mostly past their best. There were also quite a few Chocolate lilies in bloom here.