Thanks in advance - this forum seems great(been lurking for a bit), I'm glad I found it. #1 grows pretty much where ever - sun, shade, wet, dry etc. It's a ground cover and the leafy part grows up to 1/2' tall, with the flower steams 1 to 1 1/2' tall. #2 grows in a mound. It's sliver, with green edges and veins, and light green stems. It hasn't flowered, but I've seen others in the area with long deep purple flowers. It's currently in the shade. It was in the neighbors leaf pile, they said they didn't want it/couldn't remember what it was. #3 & #4 I think is a native plant(I live in coastal southern maine). The leaves are soft and furry, so far the tallest it's gotten is 2' tall, is deep rooted, likes full sun. 2nd year of growing it has periwinkle shaped dark pink flowers in mid june thru early september(sorry no pic). Spreads rapidly by seed... I believe I brought 4 small plants with me, and as you can see I have more then four :) I don't really mind, these year I'll just be sure to cut off the dead flowers.
#1 Goats foot/Aegpodium very invasive, I wouldn't plant it in with other flowers, it needs a world of it's own. #2 Lamium/Dead nettle, I have lilac blooms, meant to be a ground cover. #3 I believe is Lychnis coronaria, I've seen this one with hot pink blooms, as well as white with pink centers