I'd love you help!

Discussion in 'Forum Announcements and Feedback' started by SherylCrowe, Nov 11, 2005.

  1. I'd love to help!

    My name really is Sheryl Crowe......
    And until approximately 2 years ago I was employed for an Environmental Engineering firm based out of Berkeley, CA. I've become permentaly disabled and the only link to sanity has been when friends have been kind enough to take me out to photograph ~ Whatever (as most of them put it!!) My collection of native species images is quite extensive and I'd love to share them with whom ever might possibly be interested.
    I've been lucky enough to have chosen for several awards and even published twice this last year! So, at least a couple of people beside my family like what I do.

    I new at this whole computer "Thang" and not quite sure how to submit images. I use a PC with XP as my OP.....any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2005
  2. Eric La Fountaine

    Eric La Fountaine Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    sw USA
    Hi Sheryl, welcome to the forums. Here is the link to the instructions for attaching images.

    You can post photos in the Photography and Art forums; if you have really special images you may want to post them for the Botany Photo of the Day Submissions. There is a Maple Photo Gallery for maple images (please note the special rules for this forum). Images that are botanically relevant can also be used for specific forums (orchid photos in the Orchid forum or citrus pictures in the Citrus forum for example).

    We look forward to seeing the photos! If you have any questions about the forums don't hesitate to ask.

    Note to all forum readers: Photos are the property of the person making the post. If you like them and want to share them with friends, rather than breaking copyrights by downloading the images to send, send a link to the posted images. That way your friends also get introduced to the wonderful websites (like this one) that contain the photos. This way everyone wins!
  3. Great ~
    By chance my I send them to an email account. I have msn and if I send them in a slideshow format is reduces the images for me automatically. If they are to small for you to use you can just pick out the ones you'd like and I'll send them to you in a larger or different format. But, Like I said.....I've got quite a few (Hundred)


  4. I want to apologize in advance for my lack of knowledge in the area of Forums....give me an editing job and I can nail it, but this I can see is going to take a bit more time than I have at this moment. I believe I entered a few submissions.....like I said I BELIEVE!
    If anyone is looking for specific pictures of plants, animals or anything else feel free to contact me via email and I'd be happy to pass along what I have.
    Since I can't be out there today.....whoever is, please enjoy it for me!!


    Sheryl Crowe
  5. Eric La Fountaine

    Eric La Fountaine Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    sw USA
    Hi Sheryl,

    Take your time, enjoy exploring the forums. From your photo collection I think it is best, if you select photos that you really like, or want to write about.

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