Good guess - you had me going there for awhile. The leaves do look alike in shape. However the plant that I have is not a vine and does not have such interesting flowers. It has instead tiny, white, inconspicuous, non-scented, pitcher-shaped flowers in September. It also exudes a thin, white sap when broken.
hmmm well i thought i had a name for this plant.. i had remember seeing your plant..cause it is so unique looking..i really like it ... and when i was looking for a name for my African Violet . i came across this web site and i thought this was your plant .. it looked so close to it .. mayb this might help in the right direction hope it helps Marn
Thanks for your input, Marn. My plant does not appear to match the description for Columnea. Please let me know if you come across this plant again.
Ring the bell - I do believe we have a winner. Thank you! (x3) I can now research the plant. The description that I read for Dischidia was certainly intriguing.
wow that is a kool looking plant ..and so pretty .. kinda like a sister plant to the string of hearts/rosary vine .. .. wished i still lived in Van .. umm woud b able to do a trade for a clipping i have tons of houseplants .. :) Marn
Funny you should mention that. I was at a place this weekend that had a number of these two plants selling side by side. The grower/distributor must have had a 'Hearts' theme going. And wouldn't you know it, these plants had markers! Maybe they stumbled onto this thread ;) You're welcome to a cutting if you happen to be in this part of the woods.
oh man i would love a cutting but gonna b a while b 4 i can go back to Canada .. :) i married an american so u know immigration and paper work .. man i feel like an alien to bad we cant send plants across the border .. were abouts in Van did u get it ?? I also like the string of hearts plants they r so pretty my sis in law can really grow one out at her place .. she always gets so many blooms on it .. and she also has a variegated one that is soooo pretty .. and paid a arm and a leg for it .. I h ave so many houseplants right now that i have to b picky on what i get now but that is one i would make room for hmm still have ceiling space to hang plants good luck with your plant .. it sure is pretty Marn
The plant was purchased from a florist (of all places) on Granville Island. I don't recall ever seeing it again other than at Southlands Nursery. You may want to check with U.S. authorities on bringing back tropical houseplants across the border. I believe Canadians are allowed to this without having to get a phytosanitory certificate, assuming the plants are not specifically prohibited.