Found near Buntzun Lake, Vancouver. Less than 1000 ft Growing on stump. Brown soft flesh with firm skin. soft and fuzzy stem. long decurrent gills. strong mushroom smell. stem short, almost absent. Picture tells a thousand words.
I like this critter a lot, for its fuzzy fuzzy stem and general oomphy appearance - Paxillus (now Tapinella but I prefer the former name) atrotomentosus (osa), the Black Fuzzy Footed Pax. cheers! frog (ongoing chant: rainrainrainrainrainrainrainrainrainrainrainrain....)
Black fuzzy footed Pax eh? very cool. I thought it looked like a dogs ear. interesting specie for sure! BTW 3 hour hike = 5.5lbs Chanterelles I could not have asked for a better way to spend a Saturday morning. Full Buckets!!!