Hello, I took some photos of a few plants I have or found in the wild, and I am wondering if anyone can help me identify them. Thanks so much!
Oh, I am also putting larger images on my photo album - I just got a new camera (my first good camera ) and I am trying to take photos of plants, flowers, insects, anything that I can find that I have always wanted to take pictures of. The hard part for me is I know nothing about plants and flowers. I just know what I like and think is pretty. The plants I have now are the first ones I have ever been able to grow for more than 3 months (without accidentally killing them). Give me a computer part and I can ID it and make it run.. but give me a plant, insect or flower and I am totally lost :( I appreciate in advance any help I can get :) If you want to see larger pictures of some of these: http://www.aleeya.net/album oops, I should have added that above to the post instead of making a reply to my own post, sorry!
#1 is a Tradescantia I think, part of the Wandering Jew genus. #2 Don't know but will look at the bigger pictures and see if I can make it out. #3 is a Day Lily, many varieties, cultivars. #4 Gyanura species, possibly G. aurantiaca? (Spelling should be Gynura het) #5 is a Pothos Harry
Thank you SO much Harry! I really appreciate it very much :) I do not know if I have this one in the album yet.. but it is a different angle of some of the purple ones. I had no idea #1 would be a type of a Wandering Jew. I thought # 4 might be, but I could not find any pictures on the internet with #1 or #4. You are a great help!
Thank you Simon! The purple plants/flowers are pretty, I just do not know what to call them LOL. I only wish I knew a lot more about plants and flowers :) Hopefully, I am going to start learning a lot!
I came upon this picture of Rhoeo spathacea on the web that bears a striking resemblence to your first picture #1. Now I'm not sure of my earlier identification. Upon further search I found that Rhoeo spathacea is a synonym for Tradescantia spathacea variegata. Harry
Harry, I took a look at the link you posted to the Rhoeo spathacea, and those look very much like the one I have.. I am going to google it and see if I can learn a little bit more about it.
This picture is a picture from that same site I found that you posted a link to... and This is a picture that I had taken a week ago from my plant. I believe this is going to be a match.
Tradescantia spathacea variegata aka Rhoeo spathacea aka Moses in the Bulrushes seems to be it. I was curious, did #4, your purple leaved plant, look anything like Gynura aurantiaca? Sorry I misspelled it in that first reply. Also I edited it in later so you might not have caught it. The link is to a google image search. Harry
This picture is one that reminds me of the one of my plant. Here is one leaf of mine... My Plant Different Picture
#4 is a purple velvet plant .. kinda touchy to look after doesnt like bright light .. and carefull on the watering .. and also if you get yellowish/orange blooms on the . take them off immediately .. they smell like dirty feet :) not a flower you want to have on a plant ...lol... Marn
The 1st = Rhoeo spathacea variegated dwarf, 2nd = Salvia, 3rd = Hemerocallis lily, 4th = Gynura x sarmentosa, 5th = Scindapsus aureus