We planted three 5 foot fat albert's in a triangle formation on the back corner of our property. Two of the three are doing great, they have new growth on every single branch and have grown at least 6" since we planted them 6 weeks ago. The other tree though, is losing its needles and has no new growth. We put tree and shrub fertilizer around all 3 trees about 2 weeks ago, and nothing happened to the dying tree. Now we went back to the nursery that we bought it from again and they gave us a fungicide spray to use every 7 days. Is there anything that you can suggest? The nursery will only warranty half of the price of the tree and we really don't want to give up on it. Plus, we'd rather not have to dig it up and plant another tree.
Perhaps you need to make sure that you are watering it enough, and that water is getting to this tree's rootball as well as it is to the other two.