I have 2 plants in my office that a co-worker had left behind when she departed, I know am the proud owner of 2 plants that I don’t know what they are. And one plant looks like it is on its way out. This is my true mystery plant I have looked on the internet for plants that look like it and nothing. It has a thin narrow leaf that has what I would call serrated edges. It is green in color and has reddish tips and the under belly of the leafs are a purple color. The stem of the plant is wood like in color and texture. I have kept it in the window for almost 2 yrs now, with no problems but now it seems to have wept/sagged. This I don’t know why? Im planning on repotting it, thinking that the plant is just growing and needs more space. I moved it out of the window thinking that the AC in the office and the warmth by the window is a bad mix and shocked the plant. If anyone can help me in returning my plant to its happy domineer and also helping me identifying the plant I would appreciate all the help. Thank You!