Hi everyone, brand new to the site, hoping there is a palm expert who can help me positively identify this palm in my yard. It's about 8 years old and fast growing. I have cultivated this to only have the 5 stalks. I believe it is a recilinata, but there seems to be a lot of confusion between that and the Senegal. Some people even claim they are the same, but I don't believe that is true because my neighbor has a much taller and skinnier trunked cluster palm with more delicate frons that I believe is the Senegal palm from other pictures I've looked at. The frons on my palm are stiffer and more rigid, but they have the same flat/twisted style to them which tells me they're related. The seed pods are also the same in shape, and similar to a large indian date palm I have if that helps. Thanks!
P. reclinata is Senegal Date according to the USDA. However yours looks like it may be a hybrid of reclinata x rupicola or dactylifera.
Thanks for the feedback. I hadn't considered a hybrid and didn't know they existed. Again, the primary difference I see in these particular clustered varieties is on the fron rigidity and trunk diameter, so maybe it's just a matter of how healthy it is, the soil it's in, etc. If anyone else has some input it will all be appreciated. I'm about to have this professionally re-located to be the centerpiece of my from yard, so I want to make sure I give it the proper care in the process.
Which particular one of these it is wouldn't be expected to have any specific bearing on how the transplanting operation is undertaken.