I'm trying to do some research on how to care for this plant. The only thing the tag says is "bonsai" From all the research I've done I need to know what kind it is before I can learn how to care for it. As you can see in the picture it is dying and I don't know why.
You are right. Right now it has a layer of rocks that seem to be glued to the top. Should I take them off? Should I plant this in different soil or a bigger pot?
Seems funny that the rocks are "glued" to the top. I would leave the rocks there, but not glued otherwise water can only get in where the trunk comes out. That pot seems fine for a bonsai, I don't know what type of soil you have in that pot, but if you are worried about it, by all means change the soil. Is it in full sun? Ed
It is in filtered sun, my blinds are closed while the sun comes in the window. The tag said only non direct filtered sun light.
It looks like it is searching for light to me, thats why the braches are thin and not much leaves on it. Figs usaully grow in full sun, you might want to have a look at that. If it was in full sun the growth would be more compact, like a bonsai should be. I haven't grown bonsais for a few years, but that would be my advice. Maybe there is an expert on here who may have a comment... Ed
Hi, It looks to be a ficus to me as well. It is a mass produced bonsai the purists referred to as Mall-sai. Definitely remove the rocks-- it probably isn't getting adequately watered because of them.
This poor little "bonsai", by the looks of the trunk and roots, appears to be several years old. Someone must have taken the time to take care of it prior to its being sold. Is it really that difficult for those nurseries to simply place a label with the proper botanical name on it? We can all see that it is a "bonsai" tree, we don't need a label for that. Sorry for the rant, however, I find it difficult to believe that if you are in the business of growing and selling plants, you are unable to put a proper label on it prior to sale. If I go to a nursery and find a nice cactus or aloe for sale, the last thing I want to see on the container is "succulent". No $#!^!, really? I would have never figured that out. OK...I think I got it out of my system. Deep breaths....happy place....
Hey Mark.....don't get me started on nurseries on non labelling, obvious labelling or mislabelling...... :[ Ed