I really, really hate ants - there is no bug I hate worse! And they are all over my garden! I cannot find their ant hill - just the ants march in a big long line and then they just seem to disappear. I cannot see that they are doing any damage, I just want them gone! I hate them climbing on me when I am working and trying to enjoy myself. I hate it even more when they are bitting me!!! What can I kill them with that wont hurt my plants???? Thanks Marta
I have had some luck spreading cloves around my garden. Whole or ground. Seems to keep the ants away. Not sure if I have as many as you're dealing with though.
Marta, I hate ants too, and have plenty this year. I hope you get some more replies because I'd like to greatly reduce the population around my house too. They do damage to my yard because they do the aphid farming thing on my plants, esp. my roses.
I have found Later's Bugban Ant Killer to work the best. Sprinkle it where you see the ants. It seems to work better than ant traps and the liquid ant killer. We have so many ants that I can't keep worms alive in my compost because the ants kill them. The ants also have a painful bite although it doesn't leave behind any irritation. Good Luck