I was looking for some help on a plant my mom gave me for mother's day. I think it is a type of geranium. I don't really know much about plants and want to learn and fill my house with green! Here is a picture of it. Thanks for any help.
Plant Identification.... Ack!! My plant is dying! I posted a pic before and it was too far away so hopefully this will help. There are now four plants I need to find the care for and here are the pics. I took them quite close and if you have anymore questions feel free to mail me at justhypnotic7926@yahoo.com. I will gladly send more pics or answer any questions to get proper care for my plants. Thank you so much!
Catharanthus roseus looks like it wants more Sunlight. Sanseviaria looks fine. Fittonia wants to be in a container with drainage. Syngonium podophyllum looks ok. HTH Chris