Identification: I.D. Inquiry

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by MrsRobinson, Apr 6, 2005.

  1. MrsRobinson

    MrsRobinson Member

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    Bryan, TX
    Do you Recognize this Plant?

    I received this plant from a friend last summer. He said he got it from his mother in another part of Texas. He warned me it is too hot here to grow this plant outside, so it has been happy in my window for the past year. He thought the name of the plant was "Bird in the Bush", but I couldn't find any information under that name. Dispite the pictures, the leaves are not very shiny. At times the leaves turn a bright pink color (where they are otherwise yellow), and if it gets too dry or to warm, it will drop all its leaves. My friend told me that his dropped its leaves several times and has always bounced back with vigor after watering it.

    Any information you might have would be very appreciated. He tells me that his mother's plant blooms, and I would love to get mine to bloom as well! Thank you!

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    Last edited: Apr 7, 2005
  2. Marn

    Marn Active Member 10 Years

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    Union, Oregon
    it looks like a variegated devils backbone .. .. I have the var one and the regular one .. u can google some info on it .. but im pretty sure it is one .. .
    good luck with your plant ..

  3. MrsRobinson

    MrsRobinson Member

    Likes Received:
    Bryan, TX
    Thanks for the tip-off. I googled "Devil's Backbone" and found several varieties, including one called Pedilanthus tithymaloides that looks just like mine, so I think you're right. Everything I've found has said that the Pedilanthus tithymaloides can have red blooms mid-spring. Has your variegated plant bloomed before? If so, any pointers on nourishing mine? I appreciate your reply so much. It is nice to finally solve the mystery!
  4. Marn

    Marn Active Member 10 Years

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    Union, Oregon
    oh u r welcome .. i just got my variegated one not to long ago in a plant trade so i just have a lil piece of one .. i have mine sittin in my kitchen window gettin a late morning/mid afternoon sun and it is starting to grow .. i think it is kinda a slow grower .. if it has been a while since it has been repotted mayb try that or just repot it in the same pot with fresh dirt .. it might just need that .. I use peters pro plant food for now on my plants .. but i usually do use schultz liquid plant food .. i swear by that ..hope it grow good for ya ..

  5. MrsRobinson

    MrsRobinson Member

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    Bryan, TX
    It might be a slow-grower at first, but brace yourself...once it gets going, it grows SO fast! I've really enjoyed watching mine fill out. It is COVERED in leaves and it has changed so much in the couple of weeks since these pictures were taken!
  6. Marn

    Marn Active Member 10 Years

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    Union, Oregon
    oh that is good ..glad yours is doin good now .. mine is doin pretty good .. i have it sittin in the kitchen window and it is shooting up new leaves .. i have it planted with my regular DB.. and they both are doin good ..they just really like the sun .. it gets mid morning/afternoon sun ..
    good luck with yours


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