I took some pictures of plants/flowers and I am having some trouble identifying them. I'm new at this, so please bare with me :)
Herb Robert (Geranium) Honesty (Lunaria) Periwinkle (Vinca) Forget-me-not (Myosotis) Bluebell (Hyacinthoides)
Actually, none of these are wildflowers in Surrey. They are growing wild, but they are not native. Herb Robert is actually quite pestiferous down here; periwinkle makes large smothering patches on some sites, in the manner of ivy but not climbing; and some are bothered by the enthusiasm bluebells show in their gardens, spending perhaps years grubbing them out with disgust (I'd just plant taller things that they make a good foreground or underplanting for, if I had that "problem" myself).
Ah, interesting. I could understand your frustration with these flowers, but the Forget-me-not's and Herb Robert's are so beautiful! I absolutley adore them!
I'm not frustrated, in fact I was describing how I would make use of the bluebells instead of pulling them out. The Herb Robert is too numerous and prolific to do anything about now, anyone who wanted to take out patches of vinca perhaps could get rid of that comparatively handily with appropriate herbicides I suppose. A common tendency seems to be to make and keep 'tombstone plantings' of isolated specimens, so anything that reseeds to form sheets of bloom or roots to form furnishing mats is labeled a pest and ripped out, no matter how pretty.