Hi, I hope you can help me identifying a tropic house plant,we use to have them in school many many years ago. It's a plant the grows about 3 ft tall maybe more I cannot remember,with dark green leafs the are jagged and something like the texture of a rubber plant. I remember it grew like a Christmas tree,broad at the base then tapper up, Remember leafs have texture like rubber plants.The thing I remember most about this plant is that the new Sprouts ( They looked like tiny baby plants ) growing on the points of all the leafs. Maybe 20 or more on each leaf. I sure hope you can ID the plant. Sorry this is all the info I can give you. Norby
Thank you very much Junglekeeper,I looked it up on the internet "Mexican Hat Plant" (Kalanchoe daigremontiana) and that's the plant. Again thank you so very much.