Zan, those both look like African Daisies - Dimorphotheca aurantiaca. Have they ever bloomed for you?
Yes, Both bloomed until late June. Flowers as I remember were daisy like. One bore blue flowers and the other, pink flowers. Both on long stems, rather soft so the rain or watering would bend them right over. I'll look up African daisy and see if it matches. I moved in to this house last Labor Day and the plants had been badly neglected, so I had to wait until spring when they came up looking like plants again :-) to ID them. Muchas gracias Lorax.
When you do, look it up by the scientific name, since there are five or six different genera that are called "African Daisy." Those ones in particular are also sometimes called Cape Marigolds, which is more to the point since they're in the Calendula tribe.
Just a about the perennial African daisy, Osteospermum. This has long thin, lanceolate leaves, and the daisy like flowers comes in purple, blue and pink etc. See....
BINGO!!! Alpine aster it is. Thank you all so much for your suggestions. During the process of checking them out, I found some plants that I'd like to have. Zandoli.