I looking for this hoyas who would sell it in a good prise: H. kenejiana " nugget" H.lyi H.griffithii H.megalaster H. golden " star" H. anulata H.dischorensis H.imperialis "mosaic" pearl pink H.incrassata "moonshadow H. kerri "yellow splash" H.madulidii H.pentaphlebia H. subclava H.sp dinner plate h.dennisii do mail me if you gut some of this!
Is there some one who has this hoya to sell for a god prise?! H. imperialis "palawan" H. incrassata "eclipse" H.kerri "chanrit´s choice" H. macrophylla 'Pot of Gold' H.padangensis H.sp. 22 Khao Yai H.verticillata, central variegated H.archboldiana 'Bold Edge' H.australis 'Sunnyside Up' Pleas do write a note to my e-mail...
Hi - the Swedish Hoya Society may be able to help you. They could give you names of places or growers that sell hoyas, or hook you up with someone you could trade with. If you want to pay what it would cost to order from the US, Asiatica in Pennsylvania has alot of the hoyas on your list. They have a website. I am buying Khao Yai, dischorensis, lyi and a few others for myself and a friend from them at a Garden Fair on Saturday. Good Luck!