Good morning. We are trying to id a set of small bushes because of a new puppy. Someone called them a climbing hydrangea, but they haven't flowered conspicuously. They are growing with a south east exposure against a dark wooden fence, so get a reasonable amount of sun but not full sun. The plants have been in place for 5-6 years. One is staked and has grown up about 3 feet. The others are growing sideways and again about 3 feet. the leaves are about 2.5 inches in size and variegated. Thanks to anyone who can help us out here.
Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris Miranda. As the leaves are variegated it will not grow as fast as the plain green leaf form. Given time it will flower. Quote www...Hydrangea anomala petiolaris Miranda is a very attractive climbing Hydrangea with heart shaped green and gold variegated leaves. Produces very delicate white lace-cap flowers during early summer. Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris Miranda - Google Search