I have several types of hydrangea. Some have never bloomed and last year one had only one. This year it has none. It is a very large bush this year too. Please tell me what I am doing or not doing. I do trim the very large ones at the end of the season. One type, I have never trimmed and it still has not bloomed.
I'm sorry - don't really know the types beyond that two are supposed to be tree hydrangea and one is a dwarf. The other two I don't really know.
post some pictures up ;) all sorts of reasons why the various different species dont flower, frost, bad pruning, too much shade etc.
They mostly bloom on old wood so you may be pruning the next years buds off as they develop right after flowering I believe. I was told to not prune hydrangeas. I have to prune the fronts off mine every few years as they grow in the way of a fence gate- so I know the next year the fronts will be bloomless!!! I see some here that people prune to shape and they rarely have the abundant flowers mine have!!! IO am not sure as to the one you have not trimmed. I do have a "baby" that was propagted off another of mine and it is not blooming this year.
Thank you for the information. I do trim them every year never thought it would affect the blooms. The two I have not pruned - one of them is now loaded with potential blooms. The other one I moved last year so it is not going to bloom yet. This is the first year I have seen it with blossoms , I guess it just wasn't old enough.