Hupp's or Hubb's Red Willow? Hello to all my fellow maple lovers. This is my first post. I am a newbie to collecting Acers and am having trouble finding information on a palmatum called Hubb's Red Willow and/or Hupp's Red Willow. Can anyone help with information or photos? Thank y'all very much and I appreciate any and all responses! Katie
Thank you Sam! I have seen the website you suggested and it is one of the reasons I am confused about this particular cultivar... In many Internet searches I am finding the name as "Hupp's" AND "Hubb's". Are these the same cultivar? Several sellers of this variety that I respect and trust call this tree "Hubb's Red Willow". I suppose I just want to know the true name for this tree. Is it a newer cultivar? Where did it originate? Does anyone know for sure? I keep finding conflicting information!!! Is anyone growing this particular cultivar? Thank you again! Katie
Thought it was 'Hubbs' Dwarf Willow" , but may be mistaken. Have a tree about 10-12 years old, came from Trans Pacific Nursery. Will put a couple pics up later today and check name. There is a 'Hupps red willow" on Stanley and Sons site.
I would love to see pics. THANKS! There is another cultivar named, 'Hupp's Dwarf', but from what I can understand, this is a separate variety. I could definitely be wrong, however, so I suppose it is simply another item adding to the confusion. I appreciate your help!
Was 'Hubb's Red Willow". . About 5' here, smaller and less vigorous than 'Red Pygmy' here. Thought a fellow, maybe Henry Hubb, named it. Apparently 'Hupp's Red Willow' from Barbara Hupp. Still confusing.
Katie, you're welcome. Pics today of tree grown as 'Hubb's Red Willow'. About 5' x 5', 10 years, holds red colour well through summer, slow grower. Leaf lobes do not seem serrated as much as those in pictures seen of 'Hupp's Red Willow', nor as narrow to me.
Katie, I purchased a ‘Hubbs Red Willow’ from Richard Wolff of Red Maple Nurseries in 1992. My estimate is that it is approximately 12 to 15 feet tall. I have included a picture below for reference. In checking my old records I find it listed on page 10 in Red Maple Nurseries Summer 1993 – Spring 1994 catalog as maple #361. It was originally listed as an Un-named seedling on the typed sheet and then hand written in as Hubbs Red Willow. It is not listed in the plants introduced by Richard Wolff. I have found that in New Jersey this cultivar performs better than ‘Red Pygmy’. Ed
Be nice if Hupp and Hubb could get together on this one, maybe someone at Worldplants knows of the distinctions. NJACER, your tree looks quite upright in habit and colour somewhat similar to 'Beni Otake' here, but your leaves may be finer lobed. Thought 'Hubb's R. W.' was mentioned in the last copy of Vertree's book , not sure though and don't have a copy.
Thank you everyone for all the information and pictures! It seems I am not the only one confused by Hubb's/Hupp's. Chimera, I too purchased my HRW from Special thanks to Ed, (NJACER). I will officially refer to my maple as Hubb's Red Willow. Thank you all again and gave a great day!!! Katie