Have you tried this or heard of it? If squirrels are eating your bulbs you are supposed to put clippings of human hair around the soil. Does this work? I am going to try it but I don't really know where to find that much hair. Guess I could ask the hairdresser but I don't want to look like a nut if I don't have to. Thanks!
I ordered some stuff called Shake Away, which is a organic pest repellent. Squirrels are my target species. It's basically Fox Urine in a bottle. They've been staying outta my strawberries, so I can't really say it's not working... $20 includes the shipping/handling too... I think it was shakeawayproducts..com Small Pests when you get in there... That is, if your hair trick don't work... Oh BTW: You don't apply the urine directly to the plants or area you wan't them out of... You sprinkle a little around the peremiter<sp> of the area.... :)
You all got me curious how the predator urine is collected so I decided to look it up. Here's what these folks say. http://www.snow-pond.com/animctrl/ctrlanim.html Newt