My son has bought me three HT. Roses from a local Lidle, German owned supermarket, that is known for its plant bargains, but they dont have any information other than Ht, and colour,+ the names Virgo, Queen of England, and Sutters Gold. Does anyone out there know of them please? johnwyn
Hello John Wyn here is a search link from for the rose virgo seemingly queen elizabeth and queen of england are synonyms this site is a good place to start off looking for the roses. sutters gold is a hard one this link from New Zealanf has a good picture albeit with the copyright across the middle anf here from your part of the world I hope this helps Pierrot
Another good resource is Just type the name in. Sutters Gold is an old yellow/orange blend hybrid tea. It is fragrant and grows to 36 inches. There is also a climbing sport of this rose. Queen of England (aka Queen Elizabeth) is a Floribunda (in the UK)/grandiflora (in North America) and is deep pink. It is a popular and ubiquitous rose. It is also a survivor - I see a lot of very old examples, some with old trunks 3-4 inches across in the neighbourhood that I used to stay in in South Harrow (UK). Our specimen grew 7 feet, and would have reached higher without pruning. Virgo is a French bred hybrid tea that has been around for more than 50 years. It grows to 24 inches.