Hi there, We have a hoya planted in a terra cotta pot that has lived indoors for many years, grown from a cutting. I have only seen it bloom once, a couple years ago, and it had two lovely fragrant pink blooms. Over the past few months I accidentally forgot (eek) to water it, and now almost all the leaves have fallen off, and the few remaining look dead. It usually gets a little indirect sunlight, and gets water once a week. Any suggestions on how I can revive it? Thank you! Cheryl
At this stage, you don't want to over-water since your hoya has hardly, or no viable leaves left. Water the soil some when dry and keep it in the same indirect light and then let nature take it's course. If the roots haven't been damaged from drying out for so long (something you can ck) it should grow new leaves again but it might take a while, some hoyas can be slow growers!