Hoya Carnosa

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Cindi, Jan 25, 2006.

  1. Cindi

    Cindi Active Member

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    Maple Ridge, B.C. Canada
    Something cool. About 5 years ago a friend of mine gave me a cutting, one 1" stem with 2 leaves of this hoya. I have propogated and propogated and propogated this plant for many people. I have four that are growing like there was no tomorrow. If I unravelled them, I am sure they would stretch from here to neverland. Last summer, each of the plants began their flowering. I would say they did not flower until they were in their fourth year or so. I could not believe the overpowering fragrance that was emitted from the beautiful flowers on the plants, and the nectar was heavenly to the taste bud. I am a beekeeper and am considering moving these plants outside, providing they bloom after the major honeyflow, so the bees may take advantage of this sweet nectar. Has anyone had any dealings with bees and the hoya flower nectar? I am sure I will have to keep my eye on other little critters like ants, but I can do that.

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