Does anyone know where I can get a hoya bella plant or cuttings? I can't seem to find them anywhere. Thanks!
There is a place called Pike Lake Greenhouses that is in SK that ships wonderful big plants. I have an order with him for a number of different hoyas. If you PM me I can pass along his number if you like.
Is the contact person's name Tom? I have seen some reference to him on some other forums, with great reviews. How much does a hoya go for and how big are the pots? Given the amount of years I have been looking for one I will probably order anyway! How many types of hoyas do you have??
Various cultivars of hoya, plain and variegated, are periodically available around Vancouver. I remember seeing three different variegated ones at a store one recent summer.
Yes his name is Tom. The price depends on how many plants you order. We are ordering 8 so they are $15 each, this includes all shipping costs. All the plants we ordered from him last year were AWSOME! Big and full and very healthy, my friend ordered a bella last year and it was enormous. Most of what he sends have peduncles on them already and my lacunosa even had buds. I HIGHLY recommend him. Right now I have 12 different kinds of hoya. I also have 7 more on their way! Very excited about the ones coming!
I will call Tom when I get a chance. Does he have a catalogue of the types of plants he carries? I am so happy to find a source. Seems like the only hoyas stores have around here is the carnosa. I'm guessing this could start being addictive! LOL
Oh I am VERY addicted. I have 3 different orders out for hoyas right now. One is coming from Hawaii, one from Tom, and my big one from Australia. He has a catalogue of sorts, if you call him he will either fax it or mail it. He's not online so he doesnt have email. He's got quite a range of plants. Last year we ordered quite a few hoyas, as well as a stephanotis and a chinese rice plant.
Thanks Junglekeeper, I have been looking for quite some time now and the places I frequent seem to only carry carnosa.
You are right; I did not read your post carefully enough. The ones I saw were likely H. carnosa. H. bella has smaller and more lanceolate leaves. (Is that correct?) I spotted a number of the former earlier along with one H. kerrii.
Hi, I'm new here but have been looking to buy a Hoya Bella for quite some time. I had one years ago that was huge but died when I had to move. I had to store all my plants in my dad's garage/storage shed during the winter, where he wouldn't let me turn the heat up. Anyway, I was wondering how I might contact this Tom to place an order?