How Too?

Discussion in 'Forum Announcements and Feedback' started by minoltadoc, Nov 16, 2005.

  1. minoltadoc

    minoltadoc Member

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    Moss Point, MS USA
    Hi. I'm new to the Forum and, as usual, I am having problems with some of the controls. I would like to use smilies, [​IMG]
  2. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    Hi and thanks for the question.

    I apologize, but none of those tags are allowed (though some can be done via the BBCode used). We're fairly conservative in what we allow on the boards. Smilies, while fun, aren't universally well-regarded so we've opted not to use them. IMG tags aren't used for two reasons: 1) my selfish reason, which is that if an image is leeched from another site, I don't want to deal with complaints and 2) many of our users use dial-up and aren't familiar with image resizing - nothing more frustrating than trying to participate in a thread with a 2MB+ download (or more) with a few img tags. The attachment / thumbnail system works well enough, it seems, along with URLs to other sites when people choose to do that. Lastly, unfiltered HTML is a no-no from a security perspective, which is why a modified version of HTML via the BBCode is used instead, since it safely wraps the HTML tags.

    You might like to do My Settings -> Options -> Message Editor Interface and switch to the Standard or Enhanced Editors (or learn BBCode) to do some of the same things you can do with html. Something simple like <b> can be accomplished by wrapping the b in square brackets, for example.
  3. minoltadoc

    minoltadoc Member

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    Moss Point, MS USA
    Hi, and thank for the quick response. I understand. The picture upload worked great so I don't need the HTML. I appreciate the help.

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