how to save my bougainvillea?

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by vicarious1, Jan 24, 2025.

  1. vicarious1

    vicarious1 Active Member 10 Years

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    Burnaby North on a slope facing south & a view :-)
    Hi I am sorry to be back with this issue. Have a whole bunch of South facing over wintering plants. None have any problems but my bougainvillea. It had a sort of bug issues lost all is leaves. Although I spayed with soapy water. (I know bougainvillea don't like water in the leaves) .. I brushed an the stems with tooth brush and soapy water one am the leaves were gone. Also sprayed the top of the soil. Finally it started shooting leaves and all looked well and in the last two days it's starting all over again. I can see more and more if these tiny cream colors egg shaped monsters sticking to some of the leaves . As is freezing outside at night. I was wondering. Should I put it outdoors for a night or just outside in the day time with +-5C only. Would that kill these pests? Or will it kill the plant also because it is exotic and like hot weather. Our room temperature is 19-23 night to day time. My plant has flowers very nicely for several years in the past even in the middle of winter which is such a colour welcome. Thanks you.

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  2. Sulev

    Sulev Contributor

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    It seems, that this is an aphid infestation.
    Don't expose your bougainvillea to freezing temperatures!
    If only one small bush is infested, then repeatedly mechanically rubbing (gently) the leaves would help to get rid of aphids.
    Just be systematical and diligent.
    I don't recommend you to use any pesticides as the infestation is still minor. But it may spread very fast, so act right now!
    vicarious1 likes this.
  3. vicarious1

    vicarious1 Active Member 10 Years

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    Burnaby North on a slope facing south & a view :-)
    Ok thank you very much will get back to the soft tooth brush again.. What creates this indoors? Do they live in the soil of the pot? Nothing on any other plant. So frustrating. Thanks again
  4. Sulev

    Sulev Contributor

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    It is enough for infestation, if you bring indoors just one aphid with your plants. It starts to lay "eggs" (developed nymphs), that mature very fast and start reproducing very soon. So their number grows exponentially.
    See this video for quick information:
  5. vicarious1

    vicarious1 Active Member 10 Years

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    Burnaby North on a slope facing south & a view :-)
    Ok I guess they have an appetite for bougainvillea only because that one stayed indoors all summer.

    Thanks for you kind help.
  6. vicarious1

    vicarious1 Active Member 10 Years

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    Burnaby North on a slope facing south & a view :-)
    Hello. I have done the gently rubbing and still got more again. I did rubbing again spray soapy water front and back sooped put top soil and scoop by scoop put near boiling water on top of the surface then added cooler . Removed most of not all leaves with eggs or aphids . I also sprayed all my other plantd although they all seemed fine.
    Only can sit an wait . Thanks

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