If you spot an unsavoury post, click on the little red and white triangle in the upper right corner of the post. This will take you to a brief form where a reason for reporting the post needs to be filled out. Click on submit and it sends out an email to all forum admins: 5 UBC staff members instead of just Eric and myself, all with the ability to shut down the boards in case it is getting spam-bombed or such until I or Eric can step in and deal with it. Thanks, and I apologize that we all have to deal with jerks from time to time.
Just *bump*ing this up. Please just use the report this post feature. If you reply to the spammer, it means extra work for me in cleaning up the thread. Also, it is really only necessary to report the first one you come across by a particular spammer - I clear them out in bulk.
That was me mate, as you know. I won't reply to the the post and just report one if they are bulk. I don't know I just seem to be on when the spammers are lately, probably late at night o early hours of the mornig your time. Point taken : ) Ed
Nope, it wasn't just you - if it was, I'd have sent you a PM. And yes, the spammers are active at night, darn them all.