I did a search on the net for this and found a what looked like a good forum post on this here on this site, but it was posted in the wrong section was moved to this section of the forum.. It was a very old post 2008 and I am unable to find a repost of the thread here, so I will reopen the question I guess. How does one propagate a split leaf philodenron? When we bought this farm the people moving out left a good deal of stuff and one of the things was this sickly little plant. I had no idea what it was but I watered it and added some soil to it and voilla, it came to life and has really thrived in the five years since. It turns out it is a split leaf philodendron. As of this spring and summer it has started sending long shiny root like trailers that have invaded neighboring planters in the window in the kitchen and I got to thinking that I may be able to grow new plants this way. After determining what the plant was and studying it I found that in nature these grow down the tree to the ground to allow the plant to get more nutrients, but from what I can tell will not likely grow new plants if allow them to root and then cut them from the original plant. This got me to wondering exactly how I can propagate more plants from this one. I have a house full of giant aloes, jade trees, kalanchoe, pregnant onions, spider plants, christmas cactus, phylodendrum cordatum and avocado trees, not like I need any more plants, but who can resist. I would love to grow some more of these split leaf philodendron plants mixed into some of my other planter boxes in the house, I love the big green leafs and they would go great with the giant aloe plants filling the planter boxes in with some tall leafy structure between the giant aloe arms and the masses of bright orange flowered kalanchoe with the long pregnant onion leaves trailing over the sides of the planter boxes. Pretty much all of my plants were single plants given to me over the years by people and I honestly did not even know what they were at the time, nor did the people giving them to me, but through watching them I figured out how to propagate them and now I have veritable jungle in my house... lol... Does anyone know how to propagate these split leaf philodendrons?
Perhaps you're looking for this thread: Philodendron bipinnatifidum, taking cuttings? I don't have an answer to your question but you may want to have a look at the following site if you have not already done so; you may find an answer there. It was maintained by a member here before he passed away. Exotic Rainforest private botanical garden Rare tropical plant and aroid collection More specifically, How to Grow Philodendron species, Exotic Rainforest rare tropical plants
Yeah, I miss Steve, the Exotic Rainforest guy. It's hard to navigate his archived site, or so I've found. I'm hoping from the description of the aerial roots, that this plant is actually Monstera deliciosa. All you need are stem cuttings with at least one node on them. The vine or rope like stem will have long stretches of smooth uninterrupted green stalk, then a lateral mark that may have one or several aerial roots, may have a leaf actually coming off it, or at least an old leaf scar. Definitely some nubbiness going on there. That is the part where the action is. Ideally, you would cut your stem so that you have two nodes. One would be planted below the surface of a potting medium, the other above. You should get new growth within a month, sooner if it's really vigorous. If it was a really old vine section, maybe longer, but don't give up until the whole part above ground turns yellow. Initial leaves will not be split. These plants like to climb and best growth with fanciest leaves will only be achieved and maintained if you provide a rough support. A rough sawn fence stave, a plant stake, a solid split of bark, that sort of thing. If it is Philodendron bipinnatifidum, it's really the same answer except the "vine" is more stand-alone and the leaves are way closer together. But leaf scar, node, aerial root is just the same.